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Health Knowledge


Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is defined i n the U.S. as a study on various ways of diagnoses and treatment which have been newly developed to increase the efficacy of treatments while solving the unfairness of medical practices for patients as well as overcoming side-effects, errors and limitations along with the advancement of Western medicine. Alternative medicine recognizes that all the diseases in the human body come from abnormalities in the natural cure ability (immunity) and suggests the fundamental treatment methods in which no factor in diseases can survive by vitalizing the immune system.
Western medicine is excellent for treating infectious diseases from bacteria, emergent diseases, diseases necessary for a surgery and emergent injuries due to accidents, but has not given appropriate answers for diseases for immunity like cancers or rheumatoid arthritis or those diseases like spastic illness and degenerative adult diseases among others.

Although chronic diseases and those diseases with stress and functionality whose causes have been unknown have been newly highlighted recently, Western medicine has revealed its limitations in controlling these diseases efficiently. For example, there are allergy, chronic headache and waist pain, chronic fatigue, chronic indigestion, depression and instability, and their related symptoms.

People with these symptoms have not been treated as patients while they are repeating “no anomaly” or “nervous symptoms” to them in Western medicine. However, alternative medicine has differences from its angle to see these diseases. Western medicine under specialization and segmentation tries to treat the specific area for diseases, but alternative medicine has differences in finding out methods with questions about diseases. Alternative medicine aims at the natural cure by finding out causes and removing them.
In the U.S., they have carried out the related studies in the government’s alternative medicine center since 1993 and invested 50 million dollars in total to 12 institutions (Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Columbia University among others) for research on alternative medicine in 1999 to study the efficacy of various treatments with the acupuncture and Oriental medicine around incurable diseases such as AIDS, asthma, allergy and cancers among others, while educating alternative medicine in 75 universities among 117 colleges of medicine.

Considering Oriental medicine in alternative medicine, about 60% or more are the same as or similar to therapies in Oriental medicine as a whole, since alternative medicine includes the medical therapies which have already been practiced widely in Oriental medicine, including acupuncture, herbal medication, Tuina therapy, moxibustion, cupping, etc.



Chiropractic refers to a term from the combination of chiro (through hands) and practic (done, treated) in Greek language, meaning that the section of a bone joint in the vertebra pressing nerves due to the displacement in the vertebra is put back to the normal position. It can be said to belong to the natural therapy, in other words, part of alternative medicine to prevent and/or cure diseases by operating 100% of the innate curability from the brain after removing the pressure to nerves in such a way.Natural curability refers to the power in the human body to recover from diseases naturally, meaning that the fundamental power to restore harmony or balance in our body naturally if we lost it. It is a wonderful power granted to mankind when we were created by the Creator.

Chiropractic aims at promoting the natural curability in the human body in such a sense as part of alternative medicine. Chiropractic has aspects for the structured study with its curing effects for diseases in a clinic way, while seeking for principles and rules to cure diseases as well as exploring what are the fundamentals for life and health in an effort to vitalize the fading lives with hands.
Source: Chiropractic Association


Heat Therapy

Heat therapy refers to the treatment method for the focal area or whole body by increasing the curing effects with the use of heating. The used heat includes the transferable heat (paraffin), conduction and convection heat (water, steam), radiation heat (infrared ray), heat from high frequency (very high frequency, ultra-high frequency), and heat (very high frequency) from mechanical vibration among others.

It is used for pains, hyperesthesia, blood circulation improvement and softening for the muscle or tissue. Although it can also be used for treating cancers, it has been applied under the emphasis on the characteristics that cancer cells are relatively weaker to high temperature than normal cells, since the cells of organisms die because their protein necessary for sustaining the life is originally coagulated once they are exposed to temperature higher than a certain level of temperature.

As heating has effects such as the improvements on blood circulation for peripheral blood vessels, facilitation of metabolism, pail relief and muscular strain relief among others, it is applied to articular rheumatism, nervous pain, muscular pain, recovery from fatigue and other chronic inflammations.

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